Spur of the Moment
So, something strange occurred today. Actually, it was more unexpected than strange. I originally planned to finish my nanotechnology homework today, but I ended up distracting myself by focusing on a kickstarter. While my interest in kickstarter projects is nothing new, this is the only project I've written a 2.5K word essay about. ... I posted the essay over two posts within the comments section of the kickstarter since the character limit prevented it from being one post. ... I also emailed a link of the google doc version to the feedback system on the creator's official website. ... I've done strange things before, but I don't recall ever writing an analytic essay just because "I felt like it." Interest and passion are mysterious sentiments, the motivation they provide can result in uncharacteristic behavior. Like an initial domino in a Rube Goldberg device that ends with an atheist preaching of theology. If I see someone doing something that I agre...