
Showing posts from October, 2010

Bullet version

If you believe in global warming, stop making babies . Use Wi-Fi for something other than internet! And the world's finest librarians gather... Its like that game you played that one time, except on PC. Its a dog that like baths . Mario should be more like Contra . This is for those who say old people need romance . Robot designed to kill , not have a fashion sense. He'd be cooler if he wasn't such a jerk . Because I can never get enough Votoms. They're always watching, now you can watch them watching . I don't know what differentiates fake and imaginary numbers. If hunting was an art . Learn to pick locks only if you don't live near me . If the Famicom was actually a computer . This is what you get for daring to be stupid ! The less power is wasted , the more can be used to power the giant robot. Evade the law and get directions all at the same time! Why would I want a GameTablet ? This should already exist . Because people want stre...

Hungry now, tired later

I'm out of it, so I'm gonna blaze through this. Special technique : Blitzkrieg   Breaking news, humans can not experience the power of the sun without drinking sunny delight. Also, project coordination as changed . Priorities, what's more important, touching poop or your cellphone ? More life-sized gundam models . Politics meets Japan , not in the way you think or want. This is what space agencies is doing with their time! You need to focus more ! Panty & Stocking shirts ! If war isn't cute enough, replace terrorists with hamsters . Cat Shit One trailer - [Idol Anime] Robots now sing , but do they have soul? Automate more activities , spend more time on blogs. Alzheimer's disease is infectious , run for your brains! Four excuses to give when you screw up. Dragon Tornado! Use body parts and clothing as health . Now features bathing ! Rules that writers should, but never follow. Something about a bigger monitor .  Is it strange for me to ...

I'd rather make up definitions for words rather than figure out the popular meaning

Starting off on a light now, humanity really should become more environmentally conscious. Since nature is already destroying itself , humans should be the ones to step in and save it. That is is for today's pubic service announcement . There are a few things I want to cover today, all of which is interesting in one way or another . First of, I'd like to mention how technology is progressing. You may consider this a lazy sentiment, but I think most everything should be left to its own devices . With today's resources, many situations can be renovated to maintain themselves . After redesigning most devices in that manner, more convenient modifications can be made to the most often used systems . Since some companies release a new product every year, the old device can just be augmented to obtain the latest features . Although humans don't have an easily recognizable feature to alert other about their health , that might become a reality soon. Even though most humans...

The system is down

I just think it's funny how the camera angles focus on the singer as if it was a humanoid female. Oh, and the system isn't really down, but I'll probably edit this post later. 【ニコニコ動画】【MMD】武器セット【08小隊】 Ok, the system is definitely down after this one. Most viewed? 【ニコニコ動画】M.C.ドナルドはダンスに夢中なのか?最終鬼畜道化師ドナルド・M Why? Because its one of the best fighting games ever, I think. 【ニコニコ動画】新・豪血寺一族 -煩悩解放 - レッツゴー!陰陽師 I'm glad that this is getting popular and all, but I hope this doesn't turn out bad. I'm looking at you Enoch and Gabriel! None of you boys love fans move! And God said, "It is not your time to die." 【ニコニコ動画】【PS3/Xbox360】 El Shaddai -エルシャダイ- E3 2010 ルシフェルver

A bit too soon, but damn is it meh....

A blog is a type of guilty pleasure , there's no benefit and you do it anyways . By all means, you should just cut your losses and clean up your work area . Love and glory don't just show up one day, so invest time in something worthwhile. Get it by your hands, the future won't be as predicted if no one takes part to mold it . However, the are positive points to being idle. You can spend all day watching commercials , take your time finding panties or even getting a medical degree . Although there isn't anything to be afraid of if you wholeheartedly go either way, don't regret your decision .

I went through The 36th Chamber of Shaolin and all I have is this blog post

Although it didn't have any sexy-jiggly boobs , it was a pretty good movie. Not that I'm suggesting movies need dangerous romances to be good, this is just an observation that I felt needed to be addressed. The last time I saw a movie with Shaolin monks was Cromartie High School so this one really raised the bar the martial arts actions. The training segment in the middle was right on the mark in raising spirits , but it was a bit bothersome how some of the chambers were only lightly touched upon. Another part that bothered me was the main character's super-human ability to survive , his leg was pretty bad by the time he got to the temple. My biggest issue was with the concluding fight. Even though the main character could summon an endless amount of strength and ability , he ended the fight with a headbutt to the groin , low blow indeed. The second biggest issues was the quality of the subtitles, I just don't understand . Listening to the Cantonese portions, a lot o...

Happy Birthday to DZOP! Woooo, nah...

I'd be lying if I said that I'm juiced up about this so I won't. Look at your hands, now up at the screen, now back to your hands. Touch the screen. This is my zone. Look around you. Sadly, your zone isn't my zone, but that's why you're here. Have you felt that your day was lacking something? Did that something turn out to be a large cat in a small box ? Then you're at the right place. Is office work getting you down? Yearning for a change of pace? Is your Zone in Danger as of Present? Then be the boss of your own video game company , but you're gonna go out of business like oh so many adult dating-simulation developers. (Only available on iDevices) I know you've got cash burning a hole in your pocket, so buy some rare video games for consoles you don't own . Who doesn't want a solid gold dodge-ball cartridge? You, and that's only if your a fool, in which case you're too pathetic to pity. Aid science while satisfying your M tende...