Hungry now, tired later

I'm out of it, so I'm gonna blaze through this. Special technique: Blitzkrieg 
Breaking news, humans can not experience the power of the sun without drinking sunny delight.
Also, project coordination as changed.
Priorities, what's more important, touching poop or your cellphone?
More life-sized gundam models.
Politics meets Japan, not in the way you think or want.
This is what space agencies is doing with their time!
You need to focus more!
Panty & Stocking shirts!
If war isn't cute enough, replace terrorists with hamsters.

Cat Shit One trailer - [Idol Anime]
Robots now sing, but do they have soul?
Automate more activities, spend more time on blogs.
Alzheimer's disease is infectious, run for your brains!
Four excuses to give when you screw up.
Dragon Tornado!

Use body parts and clothing as health.
Now features bathing!
Rules that writers should, but never follow.
Something about a bigger monitor.
 Is it strange for me to want one of these?
8 religions to make you question human intelligence.

I can't embed this one so deal with it. This isn't a game!(It actually is!)


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