One of these should be "questionable", but I don't remember

Futuristic Harry Potter art transforms boy wizard into space jockey Cute video of the day: many small boxes and Maru Jon Rafman 10 Strange Anime You Would Never Have Thought of | ForeverGeek 7 of the oddest anime ever made | Protaku Anime and Manga Blog Kenka Bancho 5: Make Friends By Beating People Up (, 11.16.2010) Hourou Musuko trailer gets me excited about schoolkids | anime news, original features, and weird stories from Japan, updated daily! The New Yars' Revenge Looks More Like Zone of the Enders Yu Suzuki on why the next game wasn't Shenmue 3- Destructoid How Can I Find Out If My ISP Is Limiting My Download Speed? Viewsonic rolls out 3DV5 pocket camcorder, other gadgets of 2D and 3D varieties -- Engadget APB: What it was and what GamersFirst hopes APB: Reloaded will be | Joystiq The sexiest Subway product placement you're ever likely to see Crazy Taxi drivers get an early start, available on PSN today | Joystiq Majesty 2: Monster Kingdom expansion announced- Destructoid Majin's ultimate goal is 'putting a smile' on your face- Destructoid Eagle Talon's Frogman Animates Hybrid Deka Flash Film - Anime News Network PS2 still the most-used console in Japan- Destructoid Dynamics' credit card-based computing platform makes what little money you have more secure (video) -- Engadget Black Friday: Kmart dishes cross-platform discounts | Joystiq Five Best Distraction-Free Writing Tools Child's Play 2010 site now live, accepting donations | Joystiq We're having Grasshopper for dinner, and you're invited- Destructoid Walmart Black Friday ad includes holiday bundles, games under $10 | Joystiq Steve Jobs' Not-So-Minimalist Home Office 15-Meter Space Battleship Yamato Model Rises in Tokyo - Anime News Network Mitsubishi MDT231WG monitor is 23 inches of 120Hz gaming goodness and movie magic (video) -- Engadget The bacteria that could make you grow concrete in your mouth Mega Man Legends 3 Heroine Named (, 11.16.2010) President Obama takes a minute to chat with our future robot overlords (video) -- Engadget Free Dance Central with $25 purchase at Old Navy this Black Friday | Joystiq The Walking Disaster! VIZ Adds Unedited Tenjo Tenge School Fighting Manga - Anime News Network Japanese Working Women Polled on One Piece Manga - Anime News Network 6 superhero origins Hollywood got right (and 6 that Hollywood messed up) Level E, Hourou Musuko, Wolverine, Koisento Promos Streamed - Anime News Network Walmart launches Black Friday barrage early, $69 Blu-ray player, $89 DS Lite -- Engadget Bulletstorm trailer adds phallic progeny to its lexicon | Joystiq Iron Vendetta, Aki Sora ~Yume no Naka~ Promos Streamed - Anime News Network Google Product Search Shows Products In Stock Locally The web's best optical illusion videos...and how they trick your brain Summer Wars Submitted for Oscar Nominations - Anime News Network Atlus SUPER-MEGA-ULTRA 50% OFF PSN sale on now- Destructoid Source London: network of 1,300 charging stations coming by end of 2013 -- Engadget Necropanspermia: was life created by zombie cells from outer space? ASUS Eee Tablet to be renamed, will head to market in early 2011 -- Engadget Artland, Animation Enterprise Launch Angel Scandies - Anime News Network Namco Bandai Begins Namco Generations Project (, 11.16.2010) Tom Felton explains why they shot multiple versions of Harry Potter's ending Don't Do It Yourself: When and How to Get Help with Your DIY Projects New Cowboys and Aliens trailer shows Daniel Craig at his most brutal Daily Video: Family Guy Lead 'Needs Money for Bourbon & Anime' - Anime News Network APB acquired by GamersFirst, relaunching as APB: Reloaded in the first half of 2011 | Joystiq Tetris set to drop on PSN in December from EA | Joystiq Auditorium PSN to feature more levels, 3D and Move support | Joystiq Primates have a hidden ability to repair their own damaged spines Olympus E-PL1S is a slightly improved PEN, world's lightest with interchangeable lenses -- Engadget Bandai Sells More Transforming Kanji Creature Toys - Anime News Network Videogames now cause relationship breakdowns- Destructoid Evigroup Paddle tablet goes Pro, gets cursor-controlling, head-tracking webcam -- Engadget Google Hotpot Bases Its Local Recommendations on You and Your Friends' Ratings Why You Should Embrace the New Facebook Modern Messaging System People of Lava launches Scandinavia Android TV, melts home theater hearts and wallets -- Engadget Catherine: Meet The Sheep (, 11.16.2010) Data Robotics's Drobo S storage robot goes USB 3.0, starts at $800 -- Engadget Viz Adds Ono's La Quinta Camera, Art of Vampire Knight - Anime News Network Why You Shouldn't Switch Your Email to Facebook Tokyo to Resubmit Bill on Sexual Depictions of Youths (Updated) - Anime News Network What You Need to Know About the New TSA Screenings (and Gropings) Artist Takashi Murakami to Exhibit in Madrid, Spain - Anime News Network Almost fifty games under $20 on Amazon today- Destructoid Dead Nation shambles onto PSN November 30- Destructoid The fastest way to send humans to Mars is to not worry about bringing them back Topless Robot - The 10 Worst Parents in Anime Topless Robot - Are You @#$%ing Kidding? A New Yars' Revenge Game? Topless Robot - Who Ya Gonna Call? Please God Not the Ghostbusters Topless Robot - Oh My @#$%, It's the First Pic from Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark (UPDATED) Imageepooch fighting to defend the JRPG- Destructoid VUDU HD streaming movie service comes to PS3- Destructoid Rumiko Takahashi's Maison Ikkoku Bentō Lunch on Sale - Anime News Network Catherine: Drink Beer To Speed Your Dreams Up (, 11.17.2010) Olive's 2TB O6HD music server makes audiophiles (and designers) swoon -- Engadget Amazon offering some great games for $20 or less | Joystiq Final Fantasy XIV Producers Detail PlayStation 3 Version (, 11.17.2010) Nintendo Releases Free DS Guide Making App (, 11.17.2010) How to Export Your Friends' Email Addresses from Facebook Imageepoch Enters Publishing Business (, 11.17.2010) C-Loop camera strap contorts in ways your first party strap could only dream of -- Engadget Tōfu Kozō CG Film, Mitsudomoe 2 Promos Streamed - Anime News Network Nox Audio Scout mini headset on sale now, boasts world's smallest mic button and some decent sound -- Engadget Yar's Revenge remade into an anime-inspired rail shooter | Joystiq How do you really know what time it is? 2010 Spike VGA nominations are in, appropriately preposterous | Joystiq How (and Why) to Manage Multiple Music Libraries in Any Media Player 10 ridiculous superheroes who are their jobs VUDU hits PS3 on November 23rd, UI overhaul coming mid-December -- Engadget What's the Matter with the Higgs Boson? Pachter: Move sold 'well below expectations'- Destructoid Spacetime invisibility cloaks can hide entire events inside temporal voids Money Idol Exchanger and Sonic Wings Special on the PSN import store | Joystiq 4Kids Reports US$9.8 Million Net Loss in 3Q 2010 - Anime News Network Google Docs Adds Autocorrect and Shortcut-Based Text Substitutiion Two common misconceptions about clones and biotechnology MicroBot trailer shoots up innerspace | Joystiq Amazon offers buy one, get one 40 percent off; Wii bundles | Joystiq Daily Video: Studio 4°C's Entire Anti-Smoking Anime - Anime News Network Toshiba's newest hard drive is designed for 24/7 rugged use -- Engadget NYU prof installing camera in the back of his head, JW Parker Middle School teachers insanely jealous -- Engadget Misaki No. 1!! High School Manga Gets Live-Action Show - Anime News Network Gaming in Public: Do a sushi roll! | Joystiq 'Dreamcast Collection' for Xbox 360 and PS3 listed on GameStop | Joystiq Kinect hack explained: follow-along-at-home guide lets you reverse engineer USB, impress your friends -- Engadget Cardfight Vanguard, May'n, Real Promos Streamed - Anime News Network Virtual Idol Hatsune Miku to 'Sing in English' - Anime News Network Rune Factory Oceans Originally Planned Exclusively for Wii (, 11.19.2010) Review: Namco Museum Megamix- Destructoid Anime Feature on North Korean Prison Camps Planned - Anime News Network Character from Namco's Splatterhouse to appear in Playboy- Destructoid Deus Ex: Human Revolution gameplay trailer analysis- Destructoid Modu barely alive after failed bid for capital, laying off most of its employees -- Engadget You Park Like an Asshole Helps You Share Your Feelings with Idiot Parkers A camera that can see around walls Black Friday: Walmart offering up console bundles- Destructoid Preserve Old Photographs and Documents with Tips from the Smithsonian Institution Dark excitons could light up your quantum computer, life -- Engadget Deus Ex Producer Discusses Auto Regenerative Health And Difficulty Scaling // Siliconera Your Ace Attorney Investigations 2 Bonuses (, 11.18.2010) Pluto, The Caterpillar Nominated at France's Angoulême - Anime News Network Win No More Heroes 2 Hopper's Edition, CD & Erotica Comic- Destructoid Tron: Evolution getting two Daft Punk tracks | Joystiq How to Customize Your OS X Icons Argh! LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean game coming- Destructoid What a Billionaire Does with a Sudden Windfall Lord of Arcana grants PSP an audience on Jan. 25 | Joystiq Here is K-Mart's Black Friday ad- Destructoid Amazon selling three PS3 Greatest Hits for the price of two | Joystiq Take a closer look at Cowboys and Aliens' all-out extraterrestrial war Daily Video: Japan's English-Language Otaku-Verse Zero - Anime News Network Aya Hirano, Nana Mizuki on Nifty 2010 Top Searches - Anime News Network Artificial retina reconstructs normal vision in mice, human trials next -- Engadget Six Of The Most Widely-Believed Alien Conspiracy Theories Black Friday: Best Buy's deals detailed- Destructoid 22 Japanese Artists Draw Their Take on DC Superheroes - Anime News Network LSI's WarpDrive SSD is a steal at $11,500 -- Engadget Kevin Butler will sell PS3s to your fake TV family | Joystiq The big, bad Black Friday game deals post | Joystiq RIM's Jim Balsillie says 'you don't need an app for the web,' rejects Apple's appification of the internet -- Engadget Our first glimpse at Suda 51's Codename D- Destructoid Evangelion's Human-Sized Head Mounted on the Wall - Anime News Network Target Pre-Black Friday sale discounts DSi, DJ Hero 2 and more | Joystiq SteelSeries Shift MMO Keyset comes optimized for online questing -- Engadget Today only: Pay what you want for And Yet It Moves | Joystiq Funimation Adds Live-Action Higanjima, Drop, Tajomaru - Anime News Network Target blows their Black Friday load a week early- Destructoid Stocking stuffer games under $20 on Amazon today- Destructoid Rune Factory Oceans Goes Playable at Jump (, 11.19.2010) Your genes may have very little to do with how you look The Last Story Wii bundle, Uematsu music revealed | Joystiq /2010/11/19/kinect-enables-robot-to-become-aware-of-its-surroundings-oh/#continued Rian Johnson's Looper is the futuristic noir movie we've been waiting for Ubisoft's Battle Tag launches assault on Texas tomorrow, Canada next week | Joystiq PCI Express makes the 3.0 leap, doubles bandwidth over PCIe 2.0 spec -- Engadget Plan, Delegate, and De-stress Your Way to a Relaxing Holiday Get Together Haunting conch shell trumpets played for the first time in over 3000 years Copia's 'social reading' platform goes live, abandons hardware plans -- Engadget Unclog a Drain with a Cable Tie Win a Coin Toss by Volunteering to Flip the Coin Ghost Trick trailer and screens serenade some chicken | Joystiq SE-DesktopConstructor Builds Appealing, Functional Windows Wallpapers TikTok and LunaTik iPod nano watch kits look awesome, despite Ke$ha naming convention -- Engadget LaCie serves up SSD-based USB 3.0 FastKey, charges a pretty penny for it -- Engadget Isshoni Series Anime Promo Streamed - Anime News Network MSI debuts low-end Wind Top AC1900 all-in-one PC -- Engadget Ex-Johnny's Jr. Idol Makes Cross-Dressing Essay Manga - Anime News Network NIS America Adds Working!! Restaurant Comedy Anime - Anime News Network MIT's laser camera can photograph around corners, render your camouflage useless -- Engadget First look at Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan communicator - TOMOPOP - COLLECTIBLE TOY CULTURE - Vinyl toys, Papercraft, Garage kits, Gamer toys, Japanese toys, robots, movie toys, and more. NERV Base Shokugan set sweetens up Evangelion - TOMOPOP - COLLECTIBLE TOY CULTURE - Vinyl toys, Papercraft, Garage kits, Gamer toys, Japanese toys, robots, movie toys, and more.Brace your wallets: GameStop's Black Friday catalog released | Joystiq The best Harry Potter fan videos, comedy sketches, and other viral oddities Harry Potter becomes a magical terrorist for justice in "Deathly Hallows" Catherine trailer is concerned with your well-being | Joystiq X Japan Announces New North American Tour in 2011 - Anime News Network Have we found the universe that existed before the Big Bang? Altec Lansing Muzx Ultra MZX606 earbuds review -- Engadget The Habits Calendar Is Seinfeld's Productivity Secret "On Steroids" Top 10 Holiday Travel Tips and Tricks One Piece/Toriko 3D Film Trailer Streamed - Anime News Network Casemate's iPhone 4 Bounce case protects your noodle from inevitable radiation baking -- Engadget Tenjo Tenge 1-Shot, New Manga by Street Fighter's Nakahira - Anime News Network Daily Video: Felipe Smith Advises Aspiring Manga Creators - Anime News Network Nokia research lab builds touchscreen made of ice -- Engadget Sony revealing new PS3 exclusive Dec. 12 | Joystiq Now Covering: Kinect's Japanese Launch (, 11.20.2010) Nokero's solar-powered, rainproof N200 light bulb: brighter, stronger, more flexible -- Engadget What will the next Star Trek movie be about? Our predictions! Readers pick best webcomic: Karma | Joystiq Five webcomics to read while xkcd is on hiatus K-On Goods Stolen from Anime's Model School Recovered - Anime News Network


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