Overload edition plus a bit of CosmicBreak

Since CosmicBreak is going into its official release today, I might as well post all the material that has been building up for about 2 weeks. For those who don't know what CosmicBreak is, it's an online game that mainly involves players fighting each other with their team of robots. Although opposing players aren't the only opponents, all the other modes help to improve your team of robots through further customization and whatnot. A generalization of the game would be a large grind of battles with progressive story. Although there technically are stories which you can play through mission mode, there is no continuous story that players go through by playing and leveling. As a result, don't expect and world building or players themselves affecting how the game outside of lower store prices from events.
This doesn't mean that CosmicBreak isn't a good game. Its simple and fun, although the competition can be a bit fierce if you play against veteran players or those that know the high output builds. Once the wiki is closer to completion, the game will be a lot more newbie friendly.
If you're looking at the game and are somewhat interested, please give it a try. The PC requirements are quite low and the game itself is free. The current model is using real world money if you want some premium goods, but premium goods can also be purchased with pure in-game money if you earn enough. This should allow new players with a little disposable income to use premium units against veterans for a more even match.
Some tips about playing the game itself:
  1. Don't be a hero, rushing forward will only get yourself killed if you don't have the right build. Even then, its only delays its a certain amount.
  2. Protect your power-spot and destroy the opponent's.
  3. Stay with a diverse group, don't be the artillery that joins that group of artillery since you'll all be sitting ducks for land units.
  4. Don't keep power-ups that you won't use, give them to teammates who actually need them.
  5. Don't stand still in the front-lines, missiles will pretty much always be raining down on stationary targets.
  6. Head to the repair units when they shout "Repairing!" on the radio and text chat, so pay attention.
  7. Builds that are good in one mode aren't necessarily good in others. So don't use a shield hopping bazooka in mission mode, it won't do you much good. Experiment to find out what play-style is best for each mode.

Latest Boxee Box update lets locally stored content shine, adds 3D compatible UI and more -- Engadget
The 100 Top Science Stories of 2010 | Prehistoric Culture | DISCOVER Magazine
Simon Pegg's road comedy Paul beams down all new alien dick jokes
Panty & Stocking Tissue Box Cover for Sale in Japan - Anime News Network
Topless Robot - Conan O'Brien Is Ready for the Holidays
Daily Briefs - Anime News Network
Platinum creating a fifth game for Sega | Joystiq
Dreamcast collection confirmed, still mysterious | Joystiq
Sony: Kinect will 'hit a wall'- Destructoid
Amazon MP3 app hits BlackBerry phones -- Engadget
Sony finds digital distribution confusing- Destructoid
Little Battle eXperience Trailer 2 (andriasang.com, 12.14.2010)
Verizon FiOS Adds The Anime Network Channel - Anime News Network
Iwata Asks the Mario team about the series | Joystiq
Visualized: Leica's first digital camera -- Engadget
Visualized: Facebook's global reach -- Engadget
New Humble Indie Bundle unveiled, available now- Destructoid
Redline Wins Audience Award at LA Animation Fest - Anime News Network
Russian Yo hybrid said to offer 67mpg, cost under $15k, gets a billionaire's backing -- Engadget
Warface secures Chinese publishing rights, deploys gameplay footage | Joystiq
Dell 'Fractal' workstation designs revealed -- Engadget
Explodemon! gets a new trailer, me likey- Destructoid
BBC bringing ITV and Channel 4 on demand to PS3s in the UK this week | Joystiq
SEGA and Platinum teaming up for another new game- Destructoid
Kinect hack lets you reenact Big piano scene (video) -- Engadget
Mega Man Legends 3 Project uses MT Framework | Joystiq
SEGA has three major Sonic announcements in 2011- Destructoid
Chi's Sweet Home Manga's Free Papercrafts Posted - Anime News Network
Explodemon trailer features puzzles, upgrades, secrets -- oh, and explosions | Joystiq
Gran Turismo 5 loading times slashed with SSD install | Joystiq
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood adds more free DLC in January with 'Animus Project Update 2.0' | Joystiq
In comics, Black Panther takes over NYC and it's the end of Star Wars Legacy
Jays flexes its design muscle with svelte a-JAYS Four earbuds -- Engadget
Power Control Plus Toggles Nearly Any Android Setting with One Tap
Pantech's Verizon LTE modem configured for Mac use, follow along at home -- Engadget
CES 2011: Microsoft planning to reveal iPad rival?- Destructoid
IBM's Watson supercomputer will play Jeopardy! on these dates -- Engadget
OnLive MicroConsole torn down, Marvell Armada found lurking within -- Engadget
Comcast 'Xcalibur' test program brings web video, unified search to cable boxes -- Engadget
Lego: Black Ops spoof rated 18+ for 18+ dudes getting murdered | Joystiq
Panasonic's Avatar 3D monopoly runs into 2012, no 3D Blu-ray release until Mayan calendar ends? -- Engadget
GameStop listings leak new Dragon Quest Monsters titles?- Destructoid
Kingston's DataTraveler Mini Fun USB flash drives: they're small and thrilling -- Engadget
Now Playing: December 13-19, 2010 | Joystiq
Seagate trots out 2.5-inch 1TB Constellation.2 hard drive, dares you to wear it out -- Engadget
Keiji Inafune's New Company Has a Name (andriasang.com, 12.15.2010)
OnLive awarded important cloud gaming patent | Joystiq
Pure's Evoke Flow, Oasis Flow and Seista Flow internet radios finally on sale in America -- Engadget
I paid a woman to be my friend at a Tokyo Maid Cafe
It's a wrap-up: Spike VGAs 2010 | Joystiq
Mortal Kombat Kollector's Edition is HOLY CRAP DO WANT!- Destructoid
Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne—!! Ad Streamed - Anime News Network
Best Buy tells the Nexus S retail story: 8AM online sales, two per customer maximum -- Engadget
Dialog Semiconductor pushes 2D to 3D conversion chip for phones and tablets -- Engadget
Raiden-18 Manga Chapters by FMA's Arakawa Put on Web - Anime News Network
Google's Zeitgeist report for 2010: America loves the Bieb, already forgot about BP -- Engadget
Disconnect for Chrome Disables Third-Party Tracking While Keeping Webapps Operational
Vincent's Nightmare at the Catherine Official Site (andriasang.com, 12.14.2010)
Shocker! Internet use now ties TV in time spent avoiding outdoor activity -- Engadget
Novatel's MiFi 4082 is the WiMAX-capable hotspot the Overdrive has been dreading -- Engadget
Six Days Working Entirely from Chrome OS
The 1980s were when science fiction franchises got big
Science proves a rose by any other name doesn't smell as sweet
Microsoft to demo new slate PCs, Windows 8 tablet functionality at CES? -- Engadget
Quantic Dream renovates mocap studio | Joystiq
Most Popular DIY Projects of 2010
JP PSN gets Chrono Cross as a Twitter follower reward- Destructoid
Humble Indie Bundle 2 revealed, name your price for Braid, Machinarium and more | Joystiq
Castle Crashers' Red Princess now decreeing TomTom directions | Joystiq
EA games discounted this week at Direct2Drive | Joystiq
Microsoft lands its largest ever Surface order... from a karaoke bar (update: new video) -- Engadget
Square Enix announcement event set for January 18th- Destructoid
Afghanistan moves ahead with plans for national electronic ID cards -- Engadget
Survive The Apocalypse With Archimedes’ Screw
Angry Birds nets 50 million downloads, still not enough for a three-star rating -- Engadget
Kinect Hacks: Keyboard Anywhere slaps a keyboard almost anywhere | Joystiq
Final Fantasy XIII's Lightning Must Not Be Forgotten! (andriasang.com, 12.15.2010)
Watch an entire hemisphere of the sun explode
Vanquish's original concept included remote pilots | Joystiq
Netflix hiring Facebook Integration engineer -- Engadget
Daily Video: K-On Voice Minako Kotobuki's Sharp Ad - Anime News Network
Homefront trailer introduces New America's new rulers | Joystiq
iPad versus Kindle: even the Supreme Court can't decide (video) -- Engadget
Shigeru Miyamoto profiled: legendary game designer, interior decorating enthusiast -- Engadget
Engadget's Holiday Gift Guide: HDTVs and home theater -- Engadget
And The Winning Mega Man Legends 3 Mecha Is... (andriasang.com, 12.14.2010)
Japanese Rocker Hyde Plays Himself in Bakuman - Anime News Network
LG Optimus 2X looks like a dual-core Star, shows off HDMI-out while embarrassing the Galaxy S on video -- Engadget
Hands-on with the Mindjack: The shooter for trolls- Destructoid
Pac-Man Fever driving Rock Band Network crazy in 2011 | Joystiq
Humble Indie Bundle 2 grosses over $500K in day-one purchases, led by Minecraft's Persson | Joystiq
Ghost Trick inhabits iPhone in Japan | Joystiq
Level-5 Studio Ghibli Tie-up Tops 170,000 (andriasang.com, 12.16.2010)
Latest Hatsune Miku Project Diva DLC Celebrates Kagamine Rin & Len (andriasang.com, 12.15.2010)
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity's Tournament, Sponsored By Calorie Mate (andriasang.com, 12.15.2010)
Google fires Nexus S into space, invites tenuous Galaxy S analogies (video) -- Engadget
Next Tactics Ogre DLC Detailed (andriasang.com, 12.15.2010)
D3 Publisher pings 3DS with 'Dream Trigger' | Joystiq
Full Tokyo Assembly Passes Youth Ordinance Bill - Anime News Network
Long Term HSPA Evolution specs come together, promise speeds of 650Mbps -- and T-Mobile USA is on board -- Engadget
Play ball by proxy in MLB Manager Online | Joystiq
I Must Run! dashes onto PSN, jumps to Europe next week | Joystiq
FlashVideoReplacer Replaces Flash Videos with Windows Media, QuickTime Equivalents
Rumor: Keiji Inafune's new company named 'Comcept' | Joystiq
South Australian Attorney General wants to remove MA15+ games rating | Joystiq
Engadget for iPad now available! -- Engadget
Ufotable to Produce Tales of Xillia RPG's Footage - Anime News Network
Daito Manabe's sensor-based drum machine might actually melt your face off -- Engadget
Nikon Coolpix P7000 v1.1 firmware released, improves RAW processing and focusing reliability -- Engadget
Gmail can now restore deleted contacts, still can't mend broken friendships -- Engadget
PrimeSense's OpenNI provides the best Kinect drivers yet, from someone who would know -- Engadget
Good Old Games cuts prices on 290 titles for holidays | Joystiq
First Infinity Blade update next week, multiplayer coming soon | Joystiq
Chrono Cross coming to Japanese PSN, we give up hope forever | Joystiq
Ico remastered preview: Not too little, definitely not too late | Joystiq
I Must Run! demo released for PC- Destructoid
Zuma Blitz now launching multicolored marbles at Facebook | Joystiq
PSN Tuesday: eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh X-Men Arcade | Joystiq
Google TV gets a major update with new Netflix, movable Dual View, Android remote app support -- Engadget
iGrill meat thermometer for iPhone is the expensive, unholy marriage of the meat thermometer and iPhone -- Engadget
Meizu M9 christens site launch with full specs list -- Engadget
Hitachi ships Deskstar 7K3000 and 5K3000 HDDs, 3TB XL external drive -- Engadget
Unreal Engine 3 dev kit adding iOS support tomorrow, Infinity Blade clones coming Friday -- Engadget
HTC Hub update helps save us from our Windows Phone 7 phones -- Engadget
Date Set for Yakuza Of the End (andriasang.com, 12.15.2010)
Jeff Bridges and Olivia Wilde say Tron Legacy is all about religion
ESRB mobile app adds game box recognition, rated H for Helpful | Joystiq
Kinect meets Swarovski crystals, gaudiness ensues (video) -- Engadget
Shadow Guardian is more Uncharted than Uncharted- Destructoid
This is the material that future sunglasses will be made of
Bayonetta, Metroid: Other M, Split/Second and more for under $20 on Amazon | Joystiq
Misa Digital's stringless Kitara goes up for pre-order: $849 for a truly unique musical instrument -- Engadget
How to Use Gmail as Your Central, Universal Communications Hub
Editorial: RIM seems to be as lost as my BlackBerry -- Engadget
Call of Duty: Black Ops gets major patch, PS3 gamers suffer connection issues | Joystiq
AMD Radeon HD 6970 and HD 6950 launch assault on enthusiast gaming market -- Engadget
Twitter's 2010 Most Retweeted list includes Colbert, Gaga, and Bieber, reminds us how boring we all are -- Engadget
Publishers 'up their own arses' with digital distribution- Destructoid
Monster Farm Goes Social on Mobagetown (andriasang.com, 12.15.2010)
30 geeky shirts that make perfect holiday gifts
'The Brothers Mario' machinima brings the Mushroom Kingdom to Liberty City | Joystiq
mSpot Stores 2 GB of Your Music Online, Streams It to Your Smartphone
Alan Wake, Mass Effect 2 and Limbo among Time's best games of 2010 | Joystiq
Google Voice Search update helps you personalize your results, helps Google build another database to take over the world -- Engadget
D3Publisher announces 3DS title Dream Trigger 3D- Destructoid
Mark Zuckerberg named Time Person of the Year, Jesse Eisenberg sadly not listed -- Engadget
Alan Wake tops TIME's game of the year list- Destructoid
Mortal Kombat special edition images show up on GameStop.com | Joystiq
Contest: Win a Kinect and Kinect Adventures from Target!- Destructoid
THQ sends an epic de Blob/Destructoid Christmas message- Destructoid
GNU founder Richard Stallman and Gmail creator Paul Buchheit hate on Chrome OS -- Engadget
Swiftkey Android keyboard goes HD, adds new tongues and improved language prediction -- Engadget
Disconnect browser extension keeps pesky cookies in check, blocks third-party tracking requests -- Engadget
Christmas lights programmed into 'Snowball Blaster' video game | Joystiq
IRS employee uses Outlook rules to intercept boss's e-mails, convicted of wiretapping -- Engadget
Toriko Manga Gets TV Anime Series Next April (Updated) - Anime News Network
Section 8: Prejudice going digital only at $14.99- Destructoid
MonkeyPaw bringing Galaxy Fight to PSN import store today | Joystiq
AirPlay video streaming from iOS devices hacked into Macs (video) -- Engadget
Video Games Live debuting theme from Might and Magic Heroes 6 | Joystiq
PSN racer Superstars V8 Racing now $9.99- Destructoid
PS3 Tales Game Confirmed as Tales of Xillia (andriasang.com, 12.15.2010)
Infinity Blade originally dreamed up for Kinect- Destructoid
Ghibli Adapts Kokuriko-Zaka Kara Shōjo Manga (Update 3) - Anime News Network
ComiPo! Manga-Making Program to Get English Release - Anime News Network
Creative ZiiEagle Movie Box promises 3,000 years of Chinese culture in one sleek burgundy package -- Engadget
MetroPCS brings its LTE network to Boston, Sacramento, and New York City -- Engadget
Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan TV Anime Gets 2nd Season - Anime News Network
iTunes 10 now offering social playlists with Ping -- Engadget
Marvel Pinball gets Blade table; you get new screens and a trailer | Joystiq
Alleged Thieves Named Themselves After Conan Anime (Updated) - Anime News Network
First Look: Tales of Xillia (andriasang.com, 12.15.2010)
Civilization 5 deploys biggest patch of 2010 AD | Joystiq
Arc Touch Mouse now on sale for $60 at all Microsoft retail stores -- Engadget
Amazon has AssCreed: Brotherhood for $38, lightning deals- Destructoid
Fragrance Jet II receives video demonstration, still looks like a terrible idea (video) -- Engadget
Google launches Chrome for a Cause drive, donates for each tab opened until the 19th -- Engadget
SEGA: MadWorld would 'possibly' be better on 360/PS3- Destructoid
Infinity Blade conceived as a Kinect game | Joystiq
Neuroscientists create the first brain-controlled exoskeleton
NOVA 2 evolving mobile combat on Dec. 16 | Joystiq
Pioneer ships $200 BDR-206MBK BDXL writer, dares you to afford related media -- Engadget
IR-embedded Surc case converts iPhone into a universal learning remote -- Engadget
Doctor Lautrec and the Knights of Oblivion coming to 3DS- Destructoid
RED Scarlet fixed lens camera shown in public (video) -- Engadget
Del Rey to Continue Publishing xxxHOLiC, Other Manga - Anime News Network
Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy Update (andriasang.com, 12.15.2010)
EA Details 3DS Games (andriasang.com, 12.16.2010)
New PS3 Card Game Costs 100 Yen, Has Yuzo Koshiro Music (andriasang.com, 12.16.2010)
Real-time 3D face reproduction demonstrated on video -- Engadget
Ender's Game tabled by Chair | Joystiq
Sony launches a Salt on the App Store | Joystiq
Sony Expands PlayStation Store Video Content (andriasang.com, 12.15.2010)
Nobunaga is an Ambitious Little Kitty (andriasang.com, 12.15.2010)
XBLA in Brief: Path of Go, Quake Arena Arcade, X-Men | Joystiq
The ultimate 1980s scifi and fantasy movie mixtape
Scribblecraft mod gives Minecraft that hand-drawn look | Joystiq
Bakuman Manga Gets 2nd TV Anime Next Fall - Anime News Network
Ghost Trick gets ported to iDevices- Destructoid
Dell Streak slips to $100 on contract at Best Buy -- Engadget
The Joystiq Indie Pitch: A.R.E.S. | Joystiq
10 Amazing Science Books That Reveal The Wonders Of The Universe
Most Popular Free Windows Downloads of 2010
Amazon deals: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, GTA IV: Complete, more | Joystiq
Gran Turismo 5's standard cars could get premium upgrade- Destructoid
The world's most annoying burglar alarm (video) -- Engadget
US Military bans removable media again, this time probably for good -- Engadget
How to Take Great Portrait Photos
Shogun Bros. Chameleon X-1 mouse is a controller in disguise | Joystiq
Big Yakuza Announcement Coming on Thursday (andriasang.com, 12.13.2010)
NintendoWare Weekly: Lilt Line, Darius Twin, Zombie BBQ | Joystiq
Judge throws out Paul Allen's massive patent suit, Allen plans to continue -- Engadget
Kaleidescape launches 100-disc Blu-ray movie server -- Engadget
Chinese archaeologists soon to taste 2400-year-old soup and wine?
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim built on new engine | Joystiq
Final Fantasy IV Compilation Set for PSP (andriasang.com, 12.13.2010)
Sphero toy ball rolls itself, you control it with your smartphone -- Engadget
The Best Of Big Download - December 6 - 12 | Joystiq
Hamlet: The Game coming to iPad, iPhone and Mac | Joystiq
From the VGAs Red Carpet: Bioware's Doctors | Joystiq
Toshiba's new glasses-free 3D display tilts images and viewing angles your way (video) -- Engadget
All Things D posts full Mike Lazaridis video from D: Dive Into Mobile -- Engadget
KISS vs. Doctor Doom is the best and/or worst comic you'll read today
Crytek's Warface licensed by Tencent in China- Destructoid
Free App of the Day: Duke Nukem 3D- Destructoid
Hudson brings TurboGrafx Gamebox to iPhone, iPad- Destructoid
World's smallest battery uses a single nanowire, plant-eating virus could improve Li-ion cells tenfold -- Engadget
Eizo announces more detail on glasses-free 3D DuraVision LCD, releases more pics of this BBW -- Engadget
From the VGAs Red Carpet: Guillermo del Toro and THQ's Danny Bilson | Joystiq
Mass Effect 3 launching on PC, PS3 and 360 simultaneously | Joystiq
Creative ZiiO 10 follows little brother into the halls of FCC -- Engadget
Spike VGAs 2010: The liveblog | Joystiq
SpaceX Dragon's secret payload revealed: Le Brouere cheese (video) -- Engadget
From the VGAs Red Carpet: Jennifer Hale | Joystiq
Aniplex USA Adds Kara no Kyoukai - the Garden of sinners - Anime News Network
How to Audit and Update Your Passwords
Inhabitat's Week in Green: electric vehicles gear up to race, Apple's new HQ, and living architecture -- Engadget
N.O.V.A 2 gets new trailer, release date- Destructoid
Marvelous Shares Jump Lineup (andriasang.com, 12.13.2010)
Google hides mathematical puzzle in Cr-48 video, rewards its solver with a laptop -- Engadget
Speakal's Cool iPig blasts iPod tunes with extra badassitude -- Engadget
PS3 to start streaming ITV and Channel 4 content in the UK this week -- Engadget
Night of the Sacrifice Screens and Details (andriasang.com, 12.13.2010)
Google's Teach Parents Tech site to help mom and dad find the 'any' key this Christmas -- Engadget
Killzone 3 gets a short (but sweet) trailer- Destructoid
Weekly Webcomic Wrapup is here for post-VGA support | Joystiq
Quantic Dream opens mo-cap studio in Paris- Destructoid
CE Oh no he didn't!: Time Warner chief likens Netflix threat to Albanian army -- Engadget
Lifehacker Data Breach Q&A: We're Here to Help
Sega's Thor game hammers down May 3- Destructoid
Ditch the Skillet; Fire Up Your Oven to Cook Perfect Bacon
Amazon offering $75 credit with PS3 purchase, $50 for Wii | Joystiq
Fraunhofer IIS uses Awiloc indoor positioning magic to guide museum patrons -- Engadget
Guillermo Del Toro's inSane finally revealed | Joystiq
Motorola's 10-inch Honeycomb tablet meets Mr. Blurrycam, shows off Verizon logo -- Engadget
Infinity Blade makes $1.7 million in four days | Joystiq
Five Best Personal Media Streaming Tools
Swap Rebel watch phone laughs at your wrist-mounted iPod nano -- Engadget
Roku drops new firmware in time for the holidays, XR gets 1080p, Hulu optimization for all -- Engadget
Cobra's PhoneLynx BT 215 Bluetooth adapter keeps your RCA landline handset ringing (in a sense) -- Engadget
inSane trilogy game rights held by THQ, del Toro keeps movie rights | Joystiq
First Look: Square Enix 2011 Christmas Cards (andriasang.com, 12.13.2010)
Engadget's Holiday Gift Guide: Docks and Alarm Clocks -- Engadget
World's first Nissan Leaf delivered -- it's black, like the future of gas-powered cars -- Engadget
NASA's Space Shuttle launch videos are spectacularly incredible, incredibly spectacular -- Engadget
CE-Oh no he didn't!: GM's Dan Akerson says he 'wouldn't be caught dead in a Prius' -- Engadget
The Engadget Show returns Friday, December 17th with televisions, robots, giveaways, and more! -- Engadget
From the VGAs Red Carpet: Criterion's Craig Sullivan | Joystiq
Tokyo's Youth Ordinance Bill Approved by Committee (Updated) - Anime News Network
Apple mysteriously kills jailbreak detection API while hacker boosts iOS security, irony restored -- Engadget
IDEO constructs RFID turntable, hearkens back to mixtapes of yore (video) -- Engadget
From the VGAs Red Carpet: Treyarch's Mark Lamia | Joystiq
Senate approves Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act, ensures a future for noise pollution -- Engadget
Chrono Cross Set for PSN (andriasang.com, 12.13.2010)
Chime Super Deluxe headed to PSN | Joystiq
My Wife is Cheap (andriasang.com, 12.13.2010)
Sony announces suite of SD cards for cameras that don't work with Sticks -- Engadget
Assassin's Creed 'Beautiful Lies' music video loves its lineage | Joystiq
Fabula Nova Crystallis Conference Detailed (andriasang.com, 12.13.2010)
The Coriolis Effect Part II: As the Hurricane Turns
WiiWare remake of La-Mulana delayed- Destructoid
We're here for you in the Hackerpocalypse
Swagtacular: Earth Defense Force and sexy calenders!- Destructoid
Engadget Chinese gets hands-on with the Meizu M9 -- Engadget
In Yogi Bear, Jellystone Park is District 9 (for bears)
Killzone 3 Move preview: Point and shoot | Joystiq
Greek myths you didn't learn in school
You will soon be able to visit beautiful, breezy Chernobyl
Top 10 Ways to Find Better Answers Online (that Aren't Google)
Mario Sports Mix shoots for Feb. 7 debut in North America | Joystiq
The most terrifying meat-eating dinosaurs suddenly went vegetarian
Acer Aspire 5742G laptop with NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M graphics reviewed, es ist schnell -- Engadget
uPlay users getting AC: Brotherhood codex edition mission- Destructoid
Aluratek's new wireless speakers go Bump in the night -- Engadget
Fujitsu Lifebook T580 Tablet PC now on sale in North America -- Engadget
Deva Zan Footage by Final Fantasy's Amano Streamed (Updated) - Anime News Network
Harmonix ex-shareholders suing Viacom- Destructoid
Hulu Plus not happening on cable-provided TiVo Premiere DVRs, Scrooge wins again -- Engadget
PSA: Fallout: New Vegas Dead Money DLC is live on Xbox Live | Joystiq
Josh talks holiday gadgets on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon (video) -- Engadget
Ben Heck constructs military-grade, self-contained PlayStation 3 suitcase (video) -- Engadget
So what's Syfy's new superpowered action show about?
Splinter Cell Trilogy sneaking onto PS3, in HD (of course) | Joystiq
Pixel Qi partners with Chunghwa Picture Tubes to manufacture new transflective LCD models -- Engadget
Microsoft axes Office Genuine Advantage, says program has 'served its purpose' -- Engadget
Fate/Zero Novel Gets Ufotable Anime Along With Manga (Update 4) - Anime News Network
Retro City Rampage hits XBLA in summer 2011, WiiWare version delayed | Joystiq
Mario Sports Mix dodgeballs your volleyball on February 7- Destructoid
Report: EA developing Madden Curse movie | Joystiq
Battle Royale Novel Gets New Manga Spinoff in January - Anime News Network
New Apple TV, Roku media streamers race to break one million in sales -- Engadget
Harmonix founders, ex-shareholders sue Viacom | Joystiq
Murder scene might reveal why Neanderthals went extinct
Persona Team Seeking Staff (andriasang.com, 12.22.2010)
Yakuza Of the End Comes With a Karaoke Soundtrack (andriasang.com, 12.21.2010)
One Piece 'Hijacks' All Shueisha Magazines in February - Anime News Network
Gal Gun: Naughty PV and Disgusting Retail Bonuses (andriasang.com, 12.22.2010)
North American Anime, Manga Releases: December 19-25 - Anime News Network
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix Jump Festa Trailer (andriasang.com, 12.22.2010)
Celebrate The 3rd Birthday's Release With this Aya Brea Shower Wallpaper (andriasang.com, 12.22.2010)
New Legend of Heroes Coming Next Year (andriasang.com, 12.21.2010)
Haruhi Film BD Sells 77,000+ Copies to Top Weekly Chart - Anime News Network
Tokyo: Mobile Sites, Downloads Not Subject to Youth Bill - Anime News Network
5pb. Progressing With Hideo Kojima and Suda 51 Tie-up Project (andriasang.com, 12.22.2010)
Hen Zemi, Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? Promos Streamed - Anime News Network
Tales of the World Radiant Mythology 3 Jump Festa Trailer (andriasang.com, 12.22.2010)
Call of Duty: Black Ops makes $1 billion | Joystiq
Deva Zan by Final Fantasy's Amano to Open Simultaneously Worldwide - Anime News Network
Not a joke: 'Madden curse' movie in the works- Destructoid
Universal's Bakugan Adds 2010 Karate Kid Helmer Zwart - Anime News Network
This Wednesday, have yourself a Merry Cthulhu Christmas
Intel Sandy Bridge CPUs and motherboards now on sale in Malaysia, what Consumer Electronics Show? -- Engadget
Exclusive: Retro City Rampage out on XBLA first, WiiWare later- Destructoid
Humble Bundle 2 adds Steam & Desura support, revenues top $1.17M | Joystiq
The 10 most regrettable Eighties scifi and fantasy villains on film
Secret of Mana on iPhone greenlit, should hit App Store tonight | Joystiq
Fabula Nova Crystallis Conference to be Streamed (andriasang.com, 12.20.2010)
Alienware M17x laptop said to be suffering from power-related GPU issues -- Engadget
Infinity Blade update coming tomorrow, detailed today | Joystiq
Meet Romeo, grandma's new french robot lover -- Engadget
Scientists attempt to predict flu spread, give ZigBee radios to 700 high school students -- Engadget
Valkyria Chronicles 3 Anime Detailed (andriasang.com, 12.20.2010)
Samsung's Bada 2.0 to move to 'web-centric' apps, getting ad framework and multitasking -- Engadget
Square Enix Jump Festa Posters (andriasang.com, 12.19.2010)
Divvy Splits Up and Organizes Windows on Windows and Mac Desktops
CSIRO's Ngara internet transmission project begins in Tasmania, shows hopes for rural broadband -- Engadget
Google PowerMeter comes to Blue Line Innovations' PowerCost Monitor -- Engadget
PlayStation Network offering free holiday rentals | Joystiq
British government wants all porn filtered out of the web, all fun sucked out of life -- Engadget
Engadget's Holiday Gift Guide: Desktops -- Engadget
NASA Green Flight Challenge proposes 'pocket airports,' invites you to fly 'em all -- Engadget
Inhabitat's Week in Green: electric cars compared, molten salt solar, and a renewable Merry Christmas! -- Engadget
Top-Selling Animation DVDs in Japan: 2010 - Anime News Network
New Tales Series Developments at Jump Festa (andriasang.com, 12.20.2010)
Best Buy nixes restocking fees -- Engadget
Kinect update could greatly improve performance, report suggests | Joystiq
Virtual On Force Pops up in Akihabara (andriasang.com, 12.19.2010)
Select Forza 3 car packs discounted on Xbox Live this week | Joystiq
Gundam Musou 3 Download Content Kicks off This Week (andriasang.com, 12.21.2010)
Xerox shows off Smart Document Review table, a Surface that sifts through billions of docs (video) -- Engadget
YikeBike foldable electric bike now available for the low, low price of $3,595 (video) -- Engadget
Motorola's 'Tablet Evolution' video teases some Honeycomb at CES -- Engadget
NEC teases dual-screen Cloud Communicator Android tablet, promises more at CES -- Engadget
LittleBigPlanet 2 gets sporty, shows off billiards, basketball, bowling and more | Joystiq
Ghibli Producer: Miyazaki's 'Yadosagashi' to Run in NY - Anime News Network
Nidhogg, Hazard, and more nominated for IGF Nuovo Award | Joystiq
Five Best Virtual Machine Applications
15 Easter eggs to watch out for in Tron Legacy
Capcom: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd ships 3 million in Japan, 'fastest selling game in Capcom's history' | Joystiq
Ring ni Kakero 1: Sekai Taikai-hen Anime Debuts in April - Anime News Network
Best Buy offering free mobile hotspots with iPad purchase -- Engadget
NintendoWare Weekly: Mario Party 2, Frobot | Joystiq
The Engadget Show - 016: Mitsubishi's Frank DeMartin, iRobot, Aldebaran's NAO robot, Ubisoft Battle Tag, CES '11 preview, and more! -- Engadget
Free Back to the Future episode punitively dated February; paid version this week | Joystiq
13 killer films that take place in just one room
Gale Anne Hurd: Come with me if you want to live, Terminator franchise
Optical illusion makes the silhouetted dancer spin in whichever direction you choose
"Brown fat" injections could solve the obesity problem
A bizarre new form of life uncurls from chemicals in the water
Pentagon Wants to Give Troops Terminator Vision
Placebos work, even if you know they're fake
All the greatest scenes where someone talks a computer into self-destructing
It's been proven: You're either a hypocrite or delusional
Six ideas for presents you can have ready by Friday
Get ready for giant robots, a faerie brawl, and a female Frankenstein
Non-Newtonian fluids: For when you want a liquid that's also a solid
Latest Tales of Graces F Download Content (andriasang.com, 12.22.2010)
Nintendo 3DS preview event scheduled for January | Joystiq
Moine-Garde offers finely rendered watch apps for indiscriminate Android owners -- Engadget
Radiant Silvergun Joystick Bigger Pics (andriasang.com, 12.21.2010)
Handmade adventure The Dream Machine available for pre-order | Joystiq
JBL's AirPlay-enabled On Air Wireless speaker dock hits the FCC -- Engadget
Daily Video: Platina Jazz Group Covers Anime Themes - Anime News Network
Destructoid (the show): It's yer holiday buyer's guide!- Destructoid
World of Keflings makes beautiful music- Destructoid
Tetsuya Nomura Details Fabula Press Conference (andriasang.com, 12.21.2010)
Ufotable Makes Type-Moon's Girls' Work Anime (Updated) - Anime News Network
Cladun 2: This is another RPG | Joystiq
BlazBlue Continuum Shift II Set for PSP (andriasang.com, 12.21.2010)
Secret Soviet-era laser tank pops up in the Ivanovo Oblast -- Engadget
'Rayman 3D' rated in Australia | Joystiq
Toro and Kuro Promote Castlevania Lords of Shadow (andriasang.com, 12.23.2010)
In Defense of Commercial Software: Sometimes It's Worth It to Pry Open Your Wallet
Black Ops PS3 multiplayer patched again | Joystiq
Eton Raptor emergency radio trades the crank for solar power, rakish good looks -- Engadget
Magazine: One Piece Creator Oda Made 2 Billion Yen - Anime News Network
Loveplus Party to Be Streamed on Nico Nico Thursday - Anime News Network
iKlip iPad microphone stand is now shipping, flute solos sold separately -- Engadget
Toshiba to Sell CELL Manufacturing Plant to Sony (andriasang.com, 12.23.2010)
Humble Indie Bundle 2 now includes Humble Indie Bundle 1 | Joystiq
LittleBigPlanet 2 'Storyline' featurette spans the universe | Joystiq
Mario Sports Mix mixing sports Mario-style- Destructoid
EA calls Activision's legal claims 'deliberate misdirection' | Joystiq
Xenoblade Developer Begins New Project (andriasang.com, 12.22.2010)
Google Translate gets Doug E. Fresh-approved Beatbox button -- Engadget
Latest Heartful Arcana Hearts PV (andriasang.com, 12.23.2010)
Oval bookshelf is the perfect case for this DIY car stereo radio (video) -- Engadget
First Look: One Piece Unlimited Cruise 3DS (andriasang.com, 12.22.2010)
Bang & Olufsen adds WiFi to Beo6 remote control, doesn't think to mention it -- Engadget
More TRON: Evolution multiplayer maps on the way- Destructoid
Google haters, now's your chance for revenge -- Engadget
EA Partners distributing Portal 2 at retail | Joystiq
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift 2 shifts to PSP | Joystiq
The Sims Medieval 'special edition' coming, specialness debatable | Joystiq
12 Days of Joyswag: Halo: Reach hair clippers, briefcase, book ... oh, and game | Joystiq
Sony buys back Toshiba's Cell plant for 50 billion yen, makes a killing and plans a CMOS fab -- Engadget
Diablo 3 screens remind you of your Diablo-less Christmas | Joystiq
How to Find Hidden Features in Mac Applications
Someone forgot to sign my SEGA Christmas card- Destructoid
Panasonic's Sanyo and PEW buyout official: subsidiaries for life -- Engadget
UK teen buys $750,000 of his own music from iTunes using stolen credit cards (update) -- Engadget
Most Popular Repurposing Tricks of 2010
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 achievements drop game details- Destructoid
Activision claims EA and former IW execs schemed to 'inflict serious harm on the company' | Joystiq
Jimpressions: Dead Space 2 demo- Destructoid
Michael Moorcock, Epic Science Fiction Master and Hard Rocker
Metal Gear Artist's Work Going on Display (andriasang.com, 12.23.2010)
Clamp Draws in Dōjinshi by Love Roma, Someday's Dreamers' Creators - Anime News Network
Westone 4 earphones boast four drivers, on sale soon for $449 -- Engadget
Blue Toad Murder Files getting Move support- Destructoid
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 'Reverie' and 'Resurrection' DLC due in 2011 | Joystiq
Atari announces Dungeons & Dragons game for XBLA, PSN, PC- Destructoid
Adam Levin's apocalypse novel "The Instructions" is a Jewish version of Watchmen
Satoshi Kon's Short Manga Stories to be Published (Updated) - Anime News Network
EA: In-game ads not so hot, real money is in microtransactions | Joystiq
Late to the party: StarCraft II gets a demo- Destructoid
The worst name for a knockoff cellphone, ever -- Engadget
Dungeons and Dragons Daggerdale coming to XBLA, PSN and PC next year | Joystiq
Square Enix's Wacky 3rd Birthday Promotional Campaign (andriasang.com, 12.23.2010)
Tokyopop Launches Print-On-Demand in New Online Store - Anime News Network
Engadget's Holiday Anti-Gift Guide: Stuff you don't want -- Engadget
Dawn of War 2: Retribution trailer is for Chaos, for the Emperor! | Joystiq
KDDI's biblio Leaf SP02 priced, due out Christmas Day in Japan (update) -- Engadget
Beleaguered Playlogic relaunches company, focusing on digital releases | Joystiq
Try Out Love Zombie in Advance (andriasang.com, 12.22.2010)
Nexus S gets its first update over the air -- Engadget
Scientists developing E.Coli bacteria that stores, encrypts data -- Engadget
Yakuza Of the End Opening Theme Song Set (andriasang.com, 12.22.2010)
Motorola seeks 'Xoom' trademark around the world, could well be the name of its Android tablet -- Engadget
Show Kung-Fu Live devs your moves for prizes | Joystiq
Add Events to Google Calendar From Your Browser's Address Bar
HTC EVO Shift 4G spotted in the wild, said to have 800MHz CPU -- Engadget
Trinity Zill O'll Zero Download Content Round 4 (12.23.2010 00:03, andriasang.com)
Go deep into Super Scribblenauts with 5th Cell's Jeremiah Slaczka | Joystiq
How the Tax Cut Package Will Affect You in 2011
Kinect paired with Vuzix VR920 shades, creates zany virtual reality game (video) -- Engadget
Viacom denies keeping payments from Harmonix | Joystiq
How to Write Down and Encrypt Your Passwords with an Old-School Tabula Recta
Ford Sync AppLink ready to download for 2011 Ford Fiesta, iPhone support coming early next year -- Engadget
Rahul Sood joins Microsoft as GM for System Experience in the Interactive Entertainment Business -- Engadget
Kinect Hacks: First-person slipping | Joystiq
Give the Gift of No-Fuss Backup and Synchronicity to Your Less Tech-Savvy Loved Ones
Activision sues EA for 'interfering' with Infinity Ward- Destructoid
Little Bits and Pieces About The 3rd Birthday (andriasang.com, 12.22.2010)
'Trilobite' compound eye puts a Paleozoic spin on mobile camera design -- Engadget
OpenVizsla USB sniffer meets its funding goal, and then some -- Engadget
Quadrocopter plays the piano, wishes us a happy and complacent holiday (video) -- Engadget
Gamebryo creator Emergent snapped up by anonymous party | Joystiq
An evolutionary biologist explains the one thing most people misunderstand about evolution
Underwear and Akihabara at Acquire's New Teaser Site (andriasang.com, 12.22.2010)
Microsoft to announce ARM-based Windows at CES? -- Engadget
The Commodore 64 returns as a modern PC | Joystiq
Android trademark lawsuit tossed out, Google in the clear -- Engadget
Gundam Lookalike Statue Removed From Chinese Theme Park - Anime News Network
Pantech Vega Xpress comes with DDR2 memory, extravagant performance claims -- Engadget
AirFlick allows streaming of arbitrary media, DVDs, even screencasting to the Apple TV (video) -- Engadget
Playbutton promises to let you wear your music proudly -- Engadget
Kiss invade Guitar Hero, Linkin Park hit DJ Hero 2- Destructoid
Lara Croft & the Guardian of Light half off, Kane and Lynch character packs available today on XBLM | Joystiq
Sony's Music Unlimited subscription service ready to stream tunes to PS3s and Bravia TVs in the UK -- Engadget
Braid dev: Sony takes more indie risks than Microsoft- Destructoid
Skyfire for iPad hands-on (video) -- Engadget
Sharp Mobiflip channels Sidekick LX's vibes for Mobilicity -- Engadget
Feng's Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi Game Gets TV Anime (Update 2) - Anime News Network
Conan celebrates Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. SanMagnatron Claus -- Engadget
Sony Ericsson LiveView getting much needed January update -- Engadget
Elliptic Labs set to save your iPad from smudges with 3D gesture-sensing dock (video) -- Engadget
Site to Phone Shares Links Between Any Browser and Your Smartphone
Tomb Raider dev seeking multiplayer developers | Joystiq
Most Popular Featured Desktops of 2010
The 3rd Birthday On Display (andriasang.com, 12.23.2010)
Skype outage causing a global disconnect? (update) -- Engadget
LittleBigPlanet 2 gold, releases January 18- Destructoid
Rugged Outdoor Gaming Units, Etc making PS3s for the 'harshest of conditions' | Joystiq
10 Signs You Could Be The Chosen Savior
Zelda: Skyward Sword is 'over half finished'- Destructoid
Select Sega downloadable games on sale until January | Joystiq
PSN Tuesday: Mega holiday edition overflowing with goodies | Joystiq
Lead and Gold, Spyro come to PlayStation Plus in January | Joystiq
Video: A World of Keflings' musical cannons | Joystiq
Red Dead Redemption joins Games on Demand (for $60!) | Joystiq
New Hunted video tracked down | Joystiq
Consumer spending on video games reached $25 billion this year | Joystiq
5 things you can do to save Fringe right now
Six ideas for presents you can have ready by Friday
PS3 ad banned for showing a man punching another- Destructoid
'Get Caught Up' with this Dead Space 2 trailer | Joystiq
The Joystiq Indie Pitch: Gang Garrison 2 | Joystiq
Classic Dungeon Sequel Coming to PSP (andriasang.com, 12.22.2010)
Freemium 'Buzz!: Quiz Player' comes to PSN today, with DualShock support | Joystiq
Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 Misses the Top 20 (andriasang.com, 12.23.2010)
StarCraft 2 demo deployed by Blizzard | Joystiq
Catherine Gameplay Update (andriasang.com, 12.22.2010)
Princess Frontier Portable Detailed (andriasang.com, 12.23.2010)
Google Spaces shows us where Wave went -- Engadget
The Daily Hotness: Wesker vs Magneto- Destructoid
European PSN releases for December 22 | Joystiq
New Prinny 2 gameplay videos- Destructoid
Holiday Buyer's Guide: App Store Games | Joystiq
New White Knight Chronicles 2 Quests (andriasang.com, 12.23.2010)
Panasonic's Lumix GH2 now shipping in America -- Engadget
Holiday Buyer's Guide: Nintendo Points for WiiWare, DSiWare & Virtual Console | Joystiq
Sega Toylets lets you game with your boy bits (video) -- Engadget
The Best Alternatives to Delicious
Colorful, Arrietty, One Piece Earn Japan Academy Nods - Anime News Network
Bing, a search engine that's also a games platform- Destructoid
Apple looking to patent sharable apps, considers calling them 'seeds' -- Engadget
GammaTech stuffs Core i5 into rugged, rigid D12C convertible laptop -- Engadget
The 10 greatest paranormal teen comedies of the 1980s
Engadget's Holiday Gift Guide: Tablets -- Engadget
Researchers find weak point in lithium-ion batteries, suggest better nanowires could be the answer -- Engadget
12 Days of Joyswag: A Fallout: New Vegas neon sign (yeah, f'real) | Joystiq
XBL Indie Games Winter Uprising falls a little short | Joystiq
Gaikai, Otoy not worried about OnLive's cloud gaming patent | Joystiq
Cultural genome project mines Google Books for the secret history of humanity
Fairy Tail, Dragon Crisis, Buddha, Doraemon Promos Streamed - Anime News Network
Synology introduces DiskStation DS211+, review finds the plus stands for performance -- Engadget
Blizzard confirms 'Titan' as 'next-gen MMO' | Joystiq
'Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights' is the sincerest form of flattery | Joystiq
Activision Publishing CEO says perception of the company is different from reality | Joystiq
Hothead shows developers in their natural habitat- Destructoid
Most Popular Linux Downloads and Posts of 2010
Word Lens augmented reality app instantly translates whatever you point it at -- Engadget
PlayStation Move's Sharp Shooter 'rifle shell' blasts away in Killzone 3 | Joystiq
Radiant Silvergun: The Joystick (andriasang.com, 12.18.2010)
Bulletstorm dev diary doesn't disappoint | Joystiq
Mi Casa Verde Vera review: Home automation, simplified -- Engadget
The little show that came back from the dead
Razer Scarab has regular mousepad looks, precision gaming DNA -- Engadget
Chip implanted in spinal cord could help sufferers of chronic pain (video) -- Engadget
PDP discusses American-style design of Mortal Kombat arcade stick | Joystiq
Sony 'PlayStation App' for iPhone and Android coming to Europe | Joystiq
C by Mononoke/Kūchū Buranko Helmer Nakamura Revealed - Anime News Network
Microsoft Security Essentials 2 Released, Still the Best Darn Antivirus Around
X Japan Performs Song for Tezuka's Buddha Film - Anime News Network
Organizing from the Inside Out: Form a Plan of Attack for Lifelong Organization
The strange case of a woman who felt no fear
Shadow the Hedgehog was designed to appeal to the West- Destructoid
Volkswagen's London Taxi Concept: smaller, prettier, more electric than the real thing -- Engadget
Amazon offers Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare for $48 on 360, $58 on PS3 | Joystiq
Bulletstorm 'Epic Edition' includes Gears of War 3 beta early access | Joystiq
Thanko's monitor hub takes all your desk clutter and hangs it from your LCD -- Engadget
Xbox 360 gets a limited edition orange Tron controller, because wired gamers need love too -- Engadget
Microsoft: Nobody bought Xbox 360 faceplates- Destructoid
Tron Legacy is a colossal failure of movie-making
BlockBuster Express to distribute Warner Bros DVD rentals 28 days after release -- Engadget
Keepin' it real fake: iPhone 5 provides foresight to a falsified future (video) -- Engadget
Help Capcom Select The Voice for the New Mega Man Legends 3 Heroine (andriasang.com, 12.17.2010)
Naruto transforms into inevitable co-op game for PSP | Joystiq
Dungeon Defenders: First Wave brings Unreal Engine to Android this month -- Engadget
Tron: Legacy gets its very own interactive halfpipe (video) -- Engadget
Fanatec Porsche 911 GT2 racing wheel steers its way into online availability -- Engadget
Have a look at the dirty brutes of Might & Magic Heroes 6 | Joystiq
Nielsen ranks online play time, time spent gaming for each console | Joystiq
Ask Engadget: best latex-free mouse and keyboard solution? -- Engadget
GenosTV sets a date with CES, plans to demo Cyclops universal remote -- Engadget
Self-sterilizing door handle looks perfect for hypochondriacs, is as real as their ailments -- Engadget
EA's Riccitiello: Wii could use price cut, support toward third parties | Joystiq
Finally, a Kinect smothered in Swarovski crystals | Joystiq
Bulletstorm 'Epic Edition' gives access to Gears 3 beta- Destructoid
Verizon's Palm Pre 2 shown briefly in pulled eBay auction? -- Engadget
RepRap prints transistors, but fabs have little to fear -- Engadget
Fractiv tells the tale of Project Offset, launches new website | Joystiq
Survey: Gamers buy 29% of their titles digitally- Destructoid
Pleo RB robosaur now on sale for $469, Christmas now cleared to take place -- Engadget
North American Anime, Manga Releases: December 12-18 - Anime News Network
Take-Two records $1.16 billion in revenue over last fiscal year, regains profitability | Joystiq
Doctor Lautrec Screenshots (12.17.2010 13:49, andriasang.com)
Daily Video: One Piece Nissan Minivan Ad - Anime News Network
Hitachi's 7mm-thick hard drives grow to 500GB, keep slimline profile -- Engadget
New Marvel vs Capcom 3 Things Coming to Jump (andriasang.com, 12.17.2010)
Even animals as simple as fruit flies have free will
The Best VNC Apps for Your iPad
Free App of the Day: Auditorium- Destructoid
Killzone 3 screens make wanna HNNNNNNG!- Destructoid
Nyan Koi!, H20, Ninomiya-kun, Air Movie, Beck Streamed - Anime News Network
Fallout: Nuka Break fan film now has a trailer- Destructoid
Three minutes of Hero 30 Second | Joystiq
Meet the badasses in Yakuza 4 trailers | Joystiq
Google Fiber's 1Gbps ISP 'test community' selection delayed until 2011 -- Engadget
How to Stay Secure Online
The Last Story's insane 'chat' system revealed | Joystiq
Daily Briefs - Anime News Network
New Club Nintendo Goodie (andriasang.com, 12.17.2010)
US Army testing solar powered tents for troops, gadget addicted campers -- Engadget
Max Payne 3 not dead, presumably trapped in bullet time | Joystiq
Game + Music Bundle offers three 'pay what you want' indie deals for charity | Joystiq
12 Days of Joyswag: Tron: Evolution Collector's Edition, 12" vinyl, and DS game | Joystiq
Knights Contract signed, sealed, delivered on Feb. 22, 2011 | Joystiq
Enhance Your Security This Weekend
Adult Swim to Run More FMA: Brotherhood on January 9 - Anime News Network
Today only: Amazon slims down fitness game prices | Joystiq
"Rare Exports" is the most disturbingly awesome Christmas movie ever
Fez: The first two and a half minutes | Joystiq
New research says e-cigarettes are safer than real ones, no cigarettes safer still -- Engadget
Open source DARwIn-OP bot can be yours for just $12,000 -- Engadget
Microsoft releases H.264 video plug-in for Windows 7 Firefox users -- Engadget
Demon's Souls server operation extended until late 2011 | Joystiq
LEGO Star Wars 3 meets RTS in walkthrough video | Joystiq
PrimeSense's Tamir Berliner on the future of natural interaction | Joystiq
iTwin USB filesharing solution now shipping in America -- Engadget
Mission Motors reveals Mission R electric racing superbike, conceals price -- Engadget
Record high score set on arcade game rescued from scrapyard | Joystiq
DIA Parrot digital photo frame by nodesign is not a digital photo frame -- Engadget
The winner of Destructoid Game of the Year 2010- Destructoid
Palm's tablet is codenamed 'Topaz,' keyboard accessory leaks out -- Engadget
Pachter goes out on a limb, says next GTA will be huge- Destructoid
USB 3.0 for Mac review and benchmarks (with a LaCie 2big USB 3.0) -- Engadget
Kämpfer's New Anime to Air Next March - Anime News Network
Interview: Tron Legacy screenwriters on gaming and the 'DNA of Tron' | Joystiq
New Fez footage! Set your face to smile mode- Destructoid
Mass Effect 2's PS3-exclusive comic: how it works | Joystiq
Fallout: New Vegas visual mods make PC version prettier, no less buggy | Joystiq
Fan-made Fallout film 'Fallout: Nuka Break' revealed | Joystiq
Blue Exorcist TV Anime's 1st Promo Video Streamed - Anime News Network
Hyundai shows off Equus iPad owners manual, available for test drives in the App Store (video) -- Engadget
Graffiti, Misuse of Piano Cited at K-On Model School - Anime News Network
Tokyo Governor: Restricted Works Are for Those with 'Warped DNA' - Anime News Network
Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal TV Anime's Promo Video Streamed - Anime News Network
How to pronounce ASUS (video) -- Engadget
BioWare doctors add 'AIAS Hall of Fame' to credentials | Joystiq
Journey preview: Souls searching | Joystiq
Word Lens is a Mind-Blowing App that Translates Any Text Your Camera Can See On the Fly
Totally Radical: A Microhistory of 1980s Science Fiction
Need for Speed World population passes 3 million registered racers | Joystiq
NOX Audio Scout headset review -- Engadget
Square Enix Opens N. American, French E-Manga Stores - Anime News Network
Nobody told me about Jeklynn Heights, now I'm telling you- Destructoid
Most Popular Hive Fives of 2010
Readers pick best webcomic: Wolf of the Year | Joystiq
Entertainment Weekly: Kirby Epic Yarn worst game of 2010- Destructoid
Secret of Mana comes to iPhone this month- Destructoid
Go get the big AI/diplomacy patch for Civilization V- Destructoid
Mythos begins 'Hack and Crash' beta stress test Dec. 28 | Joystiq
The Daily Hotness: Game of the Year- Destructoid
Most Popular Free Mac Downloads of 2010
First Look: Big Headed Yakuza (andriasang.com, 12.16.2010)
12 Days of Joyswag: Mass Effect 2 tin, with games, books, and a print! | Joystiq
Christmas lights hack puts your IM contacts on the wall above your desk (video) -- Engadget
Date Set For Metal Gear Arcade (andriasang.com, 12.16.2010)
Amazon doles out discounts on music games today | Joystiq
BMW uses bright lights, subliminal messages to sell motorcycles (video) -- Engadget
Call of Duty: Black Ops shoots at Target for $47, other games $10 off | Joystiq
DarkSpore dev diary sheds light on squad-based PvP | Joystiq
Android Skype update brings ability to run to SD, Galaxy S compatibility, but with a big catch -- Engadget
Google Maps 5.0 Blows Other Maps Out of the Water with 3D Compass Mode and Offline Navigation
Get Rid of Static Electricity with a Wire Hanger
Aa Megami-sama OAD, Hourou Musuko Promos Streamed - Anime News Network
Dell Venue Thunders into Korea this month with Android 2.2 and 4.1-inch Gorilla Glass screen -- Engadget
Unboxing Ninjas kick back the fourth wall for the Nexus S -- Engadget
The Gals Celebrate Super Street Fighter IV's Arcade Release (andriasang.com, 12.16.2010)
Elemental: War of Magic v1.1 heralds new beginning | Joystiq
3DS launch plans revealed January 19- Destructoid
Dead Space Aftermath trailer is gory beyond belief | Joystiq
Sifteo Cubits launching next year; still really cute -- Engadget
Destructoid (the show): It's a hump day treat!- Destructoid
Gesture-controlled robot arm enables civilization's most meta high five -- Engadget
Back to the Future peels out Dec. 22 on PC and Mac | Joystiq
Activision: Hating us not realistic, akin to PS3 bashing- Destructoid
Motorola 'Stadia' trademark application hints at device with gaming / fitness features -- Engadget
Test Drive Unlimited 2 trailer shows off Audi models, including the Q7 | Joystiq
LA Noire's MotionScan technology captured on video | Joystiq
PSA: Pain adds 'Hurt Falls,' a free level sponsored by Axe | Joystiq
Iconic Stand for your iPhone can put any logo to good, unauthorized use -- Engadget
Section 8 shows Prejudice against retail, will be a $15 download | Joystiq
Super Talent intros 500GB USB 3.0 Storage Pod, wants $99 for it -- Engadget
Mysterious Yoshitaka Amano Site Opens (andriasang.com, 12.16.2010)
Seagate ships 3.5-inch Barracuda Green internal hard drive, leaves and all -- Engadget
The Daily Hotness: Season's Sw33tings- Destructoid
PixelJunk Shooter 2 trailer previews cat-and-mouse versus mode | Joystiq
ESPN on Xbox Live updated for the 'College Bowl Showdown' | Joystiq
Mercedes electric SLS AMG E-Cell previewed: neck-snapping and retina-searing (video) -- Engadget
New Conan the Barbarian game (probably) coming- Destructoid
AirPlayer Turns Your Mac into an AirPlay Destination for Your iOS Device
Google Maps 5.0 hits Android, includes new 3D map view and offline Navigation -- Engadget
Rock of Ages power-ups trailer bowls us over | Joystiq
How to Wipe Out Spam Email in Your Inbox
Tokyo Governor's Novels Inspire Dōjin Protest Event (Updated) - Anime News Network
Whatever happened to Xbox 360 faceplates?- Destructoid
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy: Laguna, Tifa and Vaan Go Playable at Jump (andriasang.com, 12.16.2010)
Engadget's Holiday Gift Guide: Digital cameras -- Engadget
New iMac and MacBook Pros coming in 2011? -- Engadget
Namco moving development to Japan in light of 'lacking' overseas developer performance | Joystiq
Regulators push for tough conditions in Comcast / NBC deal, aim to protect internet video -- Engadget
Kinect Hacks Daily, Episode 47: Kinect taught to control XBMC through hand gestures -- Engadget
Crunchyroll Adds Kadokawa's H2O, Ninomiya-kun Anime - Anime News Network
Kinect Hacks: 'holographic' video chat | Joystiq
VGA ratings fall for fourth year, but rise among younger and male viewers | Joystiq
Dynamic Eye LCD sunglasses blot out the sun, not the rest of your life (video) -- Engadget
Cave Announcing Three New Games in February (andriasang.com, 12.16.2010)
The physics experiment that will one day let you walk through walls
(NSFW) Kinect Hacks: Sex game interface | Joystiq
Dungeon Defenders 'Huntress' sneaks out, hits mark- Destructoid
Android Dreamcast emulator nullDCe gets early video preview, still a work in progress -- Engadget
Bing 2.0 brings better Facebook integration and the impressive Streetside to iPhone (video) -- Engadget
Modern Combat: Domination makes a Move on PSN | Joystiq
Square Enix delays Deus Ex amidst profit woes- Destructoid
UDK out for iOS, Epic demonstrates with Jazz Jackrabbit [update: video!] | Joystiq
The 7th Guest launches on App Store | Joystiq
Ghost Trick Hits iPhone (andriasang.com, 12.16.2010)
What the hell is spin?
Hewlett Packard files trademarks for Gyst, Myte, and Veer: new Palm models? -- Engadget
Conan game being conceived by Paradox and DDM | Joystiq
Navigon's MobileNavigator 1.7 update adds universal iPad integration, Retina Display support, and more -- Engadget
Ron Gilbert Delivers the Deathspank in Episode 27 of The Geek's Guide to the Galaxy
Fallout: New Vegas 'Dead Money' DLC trailer- Destructoid
Fight Night Champion promos highlight the supporting cast | Joystiq
Video: Dungeon Defenders' Huntress brings out the big guns | Joystiq
FCC to auction off deadbeat bidders' 700MHz spectrum on July 19th, 2011 -- Engadget
Field Monitor Pro: 'portable' 15.4-inch USB monitor packs number pad, DisplayLink -- Engadget
Athlete Robot runs just a few steps before falling down, does it with style -- Engadget
Regio Smart Toilet is self-cleaning, music playing, and definitely overkill -- Engadget
Google App Inventor opens up access to everyone, clings on to beta tag -- Engadget
First Think City electric vehicles delivered to Indiana government, Leslie Knope calls dibs on all of 'em -- Engadget
Nokia ups the ante on Apple, adds 13 more patents to the 24 already asserted -- Engadget
Gray Matter demo now available in European Xbox Live regions | Joystiq
How I’d Hack Your Weak Passwords
Microsoft admits 'failure' with Xbox 360 faceplates, says nobody bought them -- Engadget
Lara Croft and Totec hit App Store- Destructoid
Nexus S now available, get to your nearest Best Buy post-haste -- Engadget
USAF to receive the last of its Predator drones in early 2011 -- Engadget
MotorStorm Apocalypse gets Superbikes, photo mode, demo in 2011 | Joystiq
AKB1/48 Has 48 Times The Download Content (andriasang.com, 12.17.2010)
Bodycount preview: Paint it something other than Black | Joystiq
Shift 2 Unleashed 'Limited Edition' buyers get three fancy cars before the rest of us | Joystiq
Yamauchi on Gran Turismo For Boys, Course Revivals and Lengthy Intros (andriasang.com, 12.16.2010)
SHIFT 2 Limited Edition pre-order nets you three cars- Destructoid
Fallout: New Vegas 'Dead Money' trailer hosts a heist | Joystiq
Two 'Hot Shots Shorties' PSP collections rated by ESRB | Joystiq
So, that Jazz Jackrabbit 'announcement' ... wasn't- Destructoid
Konami's Slightly Professor Laytonish 3DS Title (andriasang.com, 12.17.2010)
Kung-Fu Live review: Kinect-like on the cheap | Joystiq
Dell ships at least one Venue Pro, the saga continues -- Engadget
Jason Rohrer reveals new game, 'Inside a Star-filled Sky' | Joystiq
io9's Ultra-Futuristic Science Fiction Gift Guide
Fable 3 DLC starts raining hats and dogs | Joystiq
Mass Effect 2 PS3 is the 'true' version, uses ME3 engine- Destructoid
See Final Fantasy 8's flashback character in Dissidia 012 | Joystiq
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Ad with Anime Footage Posted - Anime News Network
Best Buy nabs exclusive Rock Band 3 Squier Stratocaster -- Engadget
Deus Ex: Human Revolution pushed out of Q1 2011 | Joystiq
Hannspree's HSG1164 10.1-inch Froyo tablet drops by the FCC -- Engadget
Voice Actor Takeshi Watabe Passes Away at 74 - Anime News Network
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 now available for iOS- Destructoid
Riven comes to iPhone, first iOS game to be over a 1GB- Destructoid
Yakuza: Of the End begins in March | Joystiq
Seikon no Qwaser Gets 2nd TV Anime Season - Anime News Network
Dead Space Aftermath narrated trailer- Destructoid
Tales of the World Radiant Mythology 3 Update (andriasang.com, 12.17.2010)
OnLive Game System review -- Engadget
A peek behind-the-scenes at LA Noire's tech- Destructoid
Daily Briefs - Anime News Network


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