Its been a while since I last posted anything. Initially, I switched to the all link format since it was easier than thinking of what to say for each post, but circumstances have changed. From these changes, I have to act outside of my current routine in order to harvest enough links for a post. Although the link method doesn't require much thought on my part, it required a resource of links in order to work. However, simply typing my thoughts down during a post requires no resources to have been gathered, only that my mind is conscious. Since I've established my reason let's move on to the main point of today's post, C21.

C21 is an MMORPG made by CyberStep and it is officially being translated into English for the first time. In general, you play as a robot and blow things up. Unlike other games of this nature, you have direct control over your character instead of the traditional mouse-click style of play. I have a bit of a history with C21 that goes all the way to C21's first closed beta. Back in those days, I had to wake up super early in the morning if I wanted to play C21 at all. Since C21 was still at an early build, the server was only up for periods at a time. In addition to that, the server hours were not in my favor as a result of the game being based in Japan. For these reasons, I would only be able to play for about an hour before I was forced to go to school and not after school since the server period was over. My experience with C21 also wasn't a very positive one as a result of the language barrier. The game itself isn't bad, but playing and enjoying an MMORPG in a foreign language is near impossible. As a MMORPG, C21 has a lot of text between the story, quests, statistics and items. Without being able to understand the language, I wasn't able to discover the goal of each quest, story or characteristics of an item before I used it. Basically, you can't play an MMORPG if you're unable to complete quests. Although the game was fun for a while, I eventually decided that it was too much effort and not enough enjoyment to play the game, especially in the form that it was in at that time. After a few years, I discovered that C21 had spawned a spin-off titled CosmicBreak. At this point, C21 was in official service and the server was no longer only active for periods at a time. I decided to give C21 another chance, but was stuck down again, although I made it a bit farther in the over-world. Although I was no longer at the mercy of the clock, two aspects were exact the same as when I initially played: (1) C21 is a MMORPG in Japanese and (2) I can't read Japanese. Until now, that was my whole experience with C21. Since the language barrier is finally being lifted, I'll be able to enjoy C21 to its fullest. Although I haven't said much about the game itself, it mainly stems from my lack of experiencing very much of it. From what I have played, C21 plays very similarly to CosmicBreak, except that the pace is much slower. Instead of an ammo gauge, the bot has an energy gauge which is drain through most actions like attacking and flying. Unlike CosmicBreak, an over-world and universe exists which you can travel through and explore at your leisure. Although you may freely change your bot, the configuration in use will gain experience and level up while you use it. A point that is very different from CosmicBreak is that all parts are tiered, but I don't know very much about this other than the fact that it exists. Overall, you should give C21 a look if you're interested in robots and RPGs.


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