The Little Battlers: Episode 2

Although this is only the second episode, quite a few developments are made:
  • Building up existing characters
  • Introducing new characters
  • Establishing the current objective of the antagonists
Comparing this episode to the first, there is a large difference in the amount of content. In relation to pacing, this is a good choice since we've already been introduced to the main characters and the basic premise of the show. In shows where too much occurs on the first episode, the audience has a hard time enjoying themselves since effort has to be put into learning the context of the world and its characters. By dedicating the first episode as an introduction without too much progression, the opportunity to create episodes that constantly push the story forward without bringing up too many ideas for the audience to handle.

As expected, the action sequences are just as good if not better than those in the first episode. While the first episode had part of a 2 on 2 battle and all of a 1 on 3 battle, this episode's 3 on 3 battle is much more dynamic in its choreography.

An interesting aspect that seems to be a staple so far is the constant employment of themes and tropes. Although most people regard these negatively as a sign of a lack of fresh ideas, sticking to common anime points, I find them quite amusing. By building upon a common ground, it's easy for the audience to relate this series from those they've enjoyed in the past while being able to poke fun at the older ones.

Looking though these two episodes, it's probably safe to say that what's to come will follow the same formula. For those who have enjoyed these two episodes, the future is looking quite bright for this series as a source of quality entertainment.


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